2023 wrapped

What a big year 2023 has been. I’m deeply grateful for the opportunities received as an emerging author, especially through the WestWords Academy. Most of all, I’m celebrating the friendships forged this year in the Australian writing community. 

My publications in 2023

Awards and competitions

Speaking opportunities

Speaking opportunities: Crime Writers’ Panel at Wollondilly Library, WestWords 2023 Academy Showcase, Bravewords Live! at Rose Scott Women Writers’ Festival.

Competition judging

Writing community

The wonderful WestWords Academy, Alexandria Burnham Michael Campbell and BAD crew (Joanne Macias, Amy Anshaw-Nye and Michael Grenfell), plenty of inspiring authors along the way, you are simply the best community ever.

Not quite…

Of course there were a few misses as well, and by “a few” I mean “a roaring avalanche” of rejections… Such is #writerlife! Thanks to the amazing opportunities at BAD Sydney Crime Writers Festival, I’ve made progress on both manuscripts. Plenty more work to be done.

I’m sure I’ve missed some thank-yous but please know I’m deeply appreciative. 


publication news


Rose Scott Women Writers’ Festival