publication news

It has been a quiet few months for acceptances and publications, and rejection after rejection. But these few weeks have been a bit of a turnaround.

By the hand of Ali Silver - Verandah Journal Volume 39, October 2024

As many authors know, you will write plenty of stories that will never see the light of day. In a classic example of revision, resubmitting, and resilience, I wrote ‘By the hand of Ali Silver’ ages ago, and it has taken years of polishing and revision to find this story a home. This story is a special one dedicated to my pottery goddess of a friend Ali Fairbairn, of Ali F Made It, as a tribute to her talent, bravery and sacrifice. I’m so pleased that ‘By the hand of Ali Silver’ has been accepted for publication in Verandah Literary and Art Journal Volume 39, due out in October. Thank you so much Verandah Journal, for seeing the love and light in my story. 

Blue Jeans and Pop Music - ZineWest, October 2024

I was also delighted to learn that my story ‘Blue Jeans and Pop Music’ has been accepted for ZineWest 2024 by New Writers’ Group. It’s another topical story close to my heart, about the impacts of book banning. I’m honoured to be in rarefied company with the best writers of Western Sydney, including fellow WestWords Academy folks, past and present. ZineWest will be launched in Parramatta in October 2024, so watch this space.

And to follow my own advice… when the rejections roll in, keep writing, keep your chin up, and instead of rage quitting, try rage submitting. Check out my interview with W'SUP News, where I provide advice to fellow emerging writers who are with me on this journey.


2024 westwords-varuna emerging writers’ residency


2023 wrapped